
Why Aren’t You Using Git Flow?

I gave a presentation at Orlando PHP last night. I had a great time, and everyone there was fantastic.

I really want to improve my public speaking. I gave a very simple introduction of myself to a Google Checkout panel a few years ago and thought I was going to passout. I felt I did a horrendous job, and all I was doing was talking about myself and the company I work for.

Enough about that. Last night I was running late due to traffic on I-4 because of the rain. I got there and was very surprised to see one of the biggest turnouts we have ever had for Orlando PHP. I quickly setup my computer while David Rogers talked a little about GIT.

I sped through my slides a little bit. I really didn’t want to just sit there and read what was on them. I wanted to be personable, clear spoken, and desperately wanted to avoid filler noises (ah’s, umm’s, like’s and you know’s). Overall I am very happy with the way it turned out.

Had I gotten there early, I would have setup a tripod and camera to tape it. Because I was running late, I scrapped that.

People were asking me some great questions, and I hope I took enough time to answer to the best of my ability. Some things I deferred to other members of the group that had better answers. Thank you Ketema for stepping in where you could.

I have become very passionate about using Git & Git Flow for my development. It has truly made me a better developer, rather than just a hacker.

Thank you to Vincent Driessen for sharing his git workflow originally. I used it for a couple of weeks, but ultimately did not keep up with it. At some point he released the “git flow” tools that I used in my presentation. I became aware of these tools thanks to Jeff Kreeftmeijer who wrote a blog post titles “Why Aren’t You Using Git Flow?

I have some resources at the end of the slides that you can refer to.


Git and Git Flow Usage

I saw this image about a successful git branching model.

It made perfect sense while looking at the graphic, however implementation proved to be more difficult for me. I am a one man shop, so it is too easy to get confused when I don’t have to worry about other developers.

I then saw a tweet about Git Flow. I didn’t put two and two together that it involved this very image. If you are considering Git and looking for a good routine, definitely look into this.
Why aren’t you using git flow?

Also look at the bash completions, I highly recommend them.